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Learn How to Hack a Blogspot Blogger website easily | 100% working proof

This simple tutorial will help to teach to how to hack a blogger website. This is a awesome tutorial is help you to hack a blogger website. The information is provided in the site is only for educational purpose only.

So here it is.....
First you go to the blog that you want to hack like

'anyblog is blog name'

Now here we are using google loop hlo to hack the blogger website.
What we are using ,actually if you know blogger provide atom feed facility by using this facility only we're going to hack blogger website.

Now we,re inject javascript to "". LIKE

A atom.xml (xml file)  file will download or a bunch of text will load in the browser
If text loads copy the text and paste in notepad and create a file with .xml format [This is because you are using old browser]

Here you are ready to Create a copy of the blog you want.Just follow these steps .....
  1. First login to your blogger account 
  2. Then go to setting 
  3. There you can see the import option using that upload the xml file 

( It will take a little depending on the post content)

But add read more option to your blog.but this is not enough all content before read more option is will be dublicated

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