Hack tool : Verifying a wireless network

Most of the wireless networks that you are going to be on will be secured with
passwords so that there can be some control over how users are able to access
this particular network. There are two methods that are commonly accepted to
protect the wireless networks including WEP or Wired Equivalent Privacy and
WAP or Wi-Fi Protected Access. Let’s take a look at how each of these works.


WEP is going to offer you quite a bit of privacy when it comes to working on a
wired network. It is also in charge of encrypting all of the data that has been sent
over the network. There are some big vulnerabilities that come with this option,which is why many hackers have been able to get through it and most people have
switched over to WPA.

Cracking these networks can be done through a passive attack or an active attack.
The active attack is going to be the most effective because it is able to overload
the network and it is easier to detect. The passive attack will just let the hacker get
into the network and then check on the traffic before doing anything else.


Most wireless networks are going to be on WAP now because it is safer to use.
This type of authentication is designed in order to avoid some of the weaknesses
that are found in WEP. It is going to depend on the encryption of packets and
passphrases of the temporal keys. There is still a weakness that comes with the
WAP option even though it is safer. For example, if you don’t use a nice strong
passphrase, you can be susceptible to a dictionary attack. Cain and Abel are one
of the best cracking tools to use to get into a WAP network.

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