Hacking Passwords

Hacking passwords is a great tool to learn how to use. As a hacker, there is a lot
of information that you can get when you are able to get ahold of the password of
your target user. These passwords can allow you to get into a computer system, get
into a banking account, and so much more. Sometimes they are the keys to getting
everything that you want.

There are several different ways that the hacker can get into a password. Some
will just go through and use a brute force attack, which means that they will just
keep trying out passwords until one works. There are dictionary attacks that will
use all of the words out of the dictionary. These options often take a bit of time to
complete, but they will get the job done especially when the user has a very short
and easy password.

Another option is a keylogger. This will keep track of the keystrokes that the user
puts in. This will print off for the hacker, without the user ever knowing, and the
hacker will be able to go through and see where the patterns are. Add in a screen
logger, and the hacker has great access to the information that they need to get into
the users’ accounts.

Shoulder surfing is another option that can be used to help a hacker gain your
password. This is when you are able to watch the person as they type in their
passwords and then figure out what they are using. Sometimes you can see the
keystrokes so it is easy to see what words are used. Sometimes you will see how
many characters are present so that you can limit the choices available. The point
is that you are near the person when you are trying to get the password.
Social engineering is often used in order to gain password information. Many
hackers will send out a fake email that looks like a legitimate company, such as an
email that looks like it comes from the user's bank. The user may click on the link
and give their password, allowing the hacker to have the information that they

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